

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-4971 In currency setup required the option to capture World currency symbols and in the symbol field restriction of character should be increase to 3..

Currently in Admin currency settings the currency symbol allows the string length 2 it needs to be increased to more than Three Merged

currently in Admin currency settings the currency symbol allows the string length 2 it needs to be increased to more than Three

  • Guest
  • Dec 2 2021
  • Likely to implement
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    August 08, 2023 06:07

    As per your requirement mentioned above, could you please specify the business case in detail so that we could understand why it is required and resolve the same. Please revert on the same within 7 working days or else we need to mark the idea as Unlikely to Implemement.

    -Product Team (SA)

Note : Do not post a lengthy title for an Idea. Post your Idea clearly supported by Screenshots, Examples and Case Studies (if possible).