

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit BO-I-60 Changes Required in Logistics module.

Document Numbering Scheme required in LR & Gate entry Merged

[#GOZ-498-21141]: Site wise Logistics and Gate Entry Document Series. // <![CDATA[ var themepath = ""; var swiftpath = ""; var _swiftPath = ""; var _baseName = ""; var swiftsessionid = "jiun45b3g9qzm5cyjq8yc5ene0acl5fl"; var swiftiswinapp = "0"; var cparea = "staff"; var enTinyMCE = false; var pagetype = 'content'; var finalDocHeight = "487"; var finalHeightDiff = 125; var selectedMenu = '2'; var isMainHeader = true; var menuhiddenfieldval = '2_2_0'; var globalImageLoading = false; var logoutText = 'Logout: soumyadip.b'; var strOpConstants = {'OP_CONTAINS':'Contains', 'OP_NOTCONTAINS':'Doesn\'t contain', 'OP_EQUAL':'Equal to', 'OP_NOTEQUAL':'Not equal to', 'OP_GREATER':'Greater than', 'OP_LESS':'Less than', 'OP_REGEXP':'Regular expression', 'OP_CHANGED':'Changed', 'OP_CHANGEDTO':'Changed to', 'OP_CHANGEDFROM':'Changed from', 'OP_NOTCHANGED':'Not changed', 'OP_NOTCHANGEDFROM':'Not changed from', 'OP_NOTCHANGEDTO':'Not changed to'}; var swiftLanguage = {'matchand': 'AND', 'pfieldreveal': '[Reveal]', 'pfieldhide': '[Hide]', 'matchor': 'OR', 'strue':'True', 'sfalse':'False', 'name':'Name', 'title':'Title', 'value':'Value', 'engagevisitor':'Engage Visitor', 'customengagevisitor':'Custom Engage Visitor', 'inlinechat':'Inline Chat', 'url':'URL', 'vactionvariables':'Action: Variables', 'vactionvexp':'Action: Visitor Experience', 'vactionsalerts':'Action: Staff Notifications', 'open':'Open', 'close':'Close', 'geoipprocessrunning': 'GeoIP database building is already in progress', 'continueprocessquestion': 'A task is still being executed. If you leave this page, it will cancel. Do you wish to continue?', 'vactionsetdepartment': 'Action: Set Department', 'vactionsetskill': 'Action: Set skill', 'vactionsetcolor': 'Action: Set color', 'vactionbanvisitor': 'Action: Ban visitor', 'vactionsetgroup': 'Action: Set visitor group', 'hexcode': 'Hex Code', 'type': 'Type', 'banip': 'IP (', 'banclassa': 'Class A (255.*.*.*)', 'banclassb': 'Class B (255.255.*.*)', 'banclassc': 'Class C (255.255.255.*)', 'notificationsubject': 'Subject: ', 'notificationuser': 'User', 'notificationuserorganization': 'User Organization', 'notificationstaff': 'Staff (Owner)', 'notificationteam': 'Staff Team', 'notificationdepartment': 'Department', 'loading': 'Loading...', 'pwtooshort': 'Too short', 'pwveryweak': 'Very weak', 'pwunsafeword': 'Potentially unsafe password', 'pwweak': 'Weak', 'pwmedium': 'Medium', 'pwstrong': 'Strong', 'pwverystrong': 'Very strong', 'cyesterday': 'Yesterday', 'ctoday': 'Today', 'ccurrentwtd': 'Current week to date', 'ccurrentmtd': 'Current month to date', 'ccurrentytd': 'Current year to date', 'cl7days': 'Last 7 days', 'cl30days': 'Last 30 days', 'cl90days': 'Last 90 days', 'cl180days': 'Last 180 days', 'cl365days': 'Last 365 days', 'starttypingtags': 'Start typing to insert tags...', 'edit': 'Edit', 'insert': 'Insert', 'ctomorrow': 'Tomorrow', 'cnextwfd': 'Current week from date', 'cnextmfd': 'Current month from date', 'cnextyfd': 'Current year from date', 'cn7days': 'Next 7 days', 'cn30days': 'Next 30 days', 'cn90days': 'Next 90 days', 'cn180days': 'Next 180 days', 'cn365days': 'Next 365 days', 'search': 'Search'}; // ]]> // <![CDATA[ SWIFT.Setup('/tickets/ticket/View/33618', {"basename":"http:\/\/\/staff\/index.php?","interfacepath":"http:\/\/\/staff\/","swiftpath":"http:\/\/\/","ip":false,"themepath":"http:\/\/\/__swift\/themes\/__cp\/","themepathinterface":"http:\/\/\/__swift\/themes\/staff\/","themepathglobal":"http:\/\/\/__swift\/themes\/__global\/","version":"4.71.2","product":"fusion"}); // ]]> // <![CDATA[ var datePickerDefaults = {showOn: "both", buttonImage: "", changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, buttonImageOnly: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'}; // ]]>

Gate Entry 1 getting generated in Organization Site A but in Organization Site B, the number will then get generated as 2. Same series is used. user get confused for this kind of number junp for multi Organization structure.


  • Product Team
  • Nov 4 2015
  • Released
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