

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-4003 UDF requirement in few masters.

UDF to capture in Ledger and Subledger Merged

In Ledger, Subledger and Product Hierarchy User Defined Field (UDF) required to capture client specific information.

  • Sushil Agarwal
  • Nov 4 2015
  • Likely to implement
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    13 Jan, 2016 05:05am

    Dear Sir,

    As per our current architecture, providing UDF in sub ledger and ledger is not feasible for us. We would request you to kindly provide us a list of fields required to be implemented. If the fields are generic, we would add them as generic fields only.

    As of now, we are marking this idea as "Unlikely to implement". Thank you for your understanding.


    Product Team


  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    2 Dec, 2015 08:12am

    Can you expand upon this request and what you are looking for? We would like to know more about the type of information you are willing to save in ledger and sub-ledger masters. If the requirement is generic, we may add the specific information fields, else UDF will be provided. We are going to classify as Unlikely to implement for now, until we gather more information related to the request so that we can gain a better understanding.

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