
Packet Barcode printing option required at POS

Need an option to print barcodes by scanning packets, similar to packet barcode printing option available in Back Office. For example, need an option to print barcodes of all items of a Goods Return document. 

  • Guest
  • Oct 13 2015
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    27 Oct, 2016 06:18am

    As per software flow you can customise the Packet Document and print Bar based on Packet No. Thus you are requested to log a support ticket and get this issue resolved. From Software feature point of view it is Unlikely to Implement right now. In future we might revisit the issue depending upon other priorities.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    30 Nov, 2015 05:23am

    Thanks for your request, we neither have provision for packet barcode creation nor print option. We like your request, hence, keeping this request under "Future Consideration" category. We can easily revisit the status and prioritize it in the future if needed.

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