When adhoc return is accepted for item which is under slab wise promotion, no discount is considered and credit note is generated with the entire MRP value of the item. So a pop message is required which would allow the operator to reduce the MRP amount in the basis of slab discounts available. Need an option to notify the operator about the promo. Also along with this, as and when operator moves to the payment window, item level promo information gets cleared, need to reflect that information.
Released Version [For Internal use] | 11.112.2 - 1.112.2 |
Thanks for the idea, your suggested feature has been released. Previously only flat discount could be applied, now, all promotion types can be applied at the time of accepting adhoc returns at POS.
Keep sharing your ideas.
Need to have a Policy as POS Return in Current Price enforcing in this Policy the POS Return will be created on the Current Sale Price
Need to have a Policy as POS Return in Lower Price enforcing in this Policy the POS Return will be created on the Lowest Sale Price - may it be on Current Sale Price or the Old Sale Price.
Scenario :
If a Customer purchases on 01-Jul-16 (NO Promo Period) - on MRP and came for (Size Change)Return on 2-Jul-16 (PROMOTION Period) he is able to purchase the same item in promo rate and sometimes customers ask for the difference money, the Store Manager may also use this to take cash.
This is most loss making part of ginni