

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-370 Request wise Output Scheduliing in Planning Module.

Assortment wise Item Storing for each Request Merged

If there are more than one request is running then in Planning tool at any point of time assortment wise item stores only for the last run request. e.g. if request 2 has run last then if we want to know the items for the assortments of request 1  then it is not possible to view unless the request 1 is run once again. Thus if it is possible to store assortment wise item for each request then it is to be possible to show items for each assortment under any request which has run.

  • Nabendu Roy Chowdhury
  • Mar 22 2016
  • Unlikely to Implement
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