
Promotional Item to sell only in Promotion

We want to create a Promotional Item only saleable in Promotion.

Example we execute BASKET Promo like Buy for 3000/- and get a bag @ 199.

If the Bag MRP is 199 so there requires no Offer and restriction over transaction also fails,

so we want to create a Promotional Item will be transacted only if it satisfies the promotional conditional, in-case scanned alone in the POS it shall revert with the error as Promotion Condition "XXXXXXX" not met hence transaction not possible.

  • Guest
  • Feb 21 2016
  • Likely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    17 Mar, 2016 07:11pm

    Exactly I mean the same

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    22 Feb, 2016 05:54am

    You mean to say, there should be a mark for Promotional Item, which you will set at Item Master, based on that it will be restricted in Normal Selling process. It has to be with a Promotion to sell in POS. 

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