
Need Enhancement in Petty Cash Module for operational need

  1. Need to capture who authorised the transaction. System should not allow POS settlement for the day in case transaction is pending for authorization.
  2. Post authorization at Store and before settlement at POS allow Head Office user from HO to modify the records mainly head & remarks. 

If such modification is allowed in Head office and SYNC back to POS it will help the central accounting team to manage the transaction in better way, instead of connecting to individual stores.

  • Ajay Kumar Challa
  • Jan 18 2016
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    29 Jan, 2016 10:24am

    Regarding your first point, providing the authorization concept in petty cash is not in our roadmap and priority. However, we will keep this idea open to gather additional feedback to track the level of interest within the community.

    Regarding second point, please note that head-office user needs to connect to store and login as a store user to make any changes in petty cash transactions. You can use our centralized user management feature to manage users from HO and create HO user as store user and allocate that user to all sites.

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