
We required General Reference No. in Wizard for making Goods Return for multiple sites through Barcodes

Hiii Team,

We have only 1 vendor and we multiple customers so we purchase a goods only from 1 vendor and send the goods to the respective sites or customers.

When the customers return the goods to us then we need to return the goods back to vendor.

In ginesys at the time of making goods return we use the option of wizard and import the barcodes file into wizard but the wizard feature takes the barcode as it received from 1 vendor so it take back in method of FIFO/LIFO or Adhoc which creates rates mismatch issues.

To resolve the rates mismatch issue we required the Site name field in GRC so we can mention the site name for which we have received the goods and easily return them back from the same invoice.

  • Guest
  • Apr 20 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Apr 03:35am

    For Implement you may contact on 9634216300

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    26 Apr 10:39am

    Could you please provide us your contact number so that we could understand the business case in detail and conclude the same.

    -Product Team (SA)

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