
Jobber module

I am a wholesaler and manufacturer of Indian women’s wear. My production house is under a different company and my wholesale store is under a different company. When I want to send something for alteration or job work from trading company to my production company, I can issue a job order from the trading company (can be a piece that customer bought earlier and wants to get it altered or get the embroidery increased).

But there is no place in Ginesys to receive a job order. The only ways suggested by Ginesys are-

  1. Purchase and sale of the product: But this will unnecessarily inflate my sales and purchase values and can be problematic from an accounting perspective.

  2. Miscellaenous receive: Since I am in the production business, the volume of job orders from my trading firm to my production firm is a lot. Hence, miscellaneous receives transactions will be very frequent and it will put the company under govt’s suspicion (as instructed by CAs).

  3. Conversion Production: another option suggested was to receive it directly in my production process but this will raise the same issue as the above. If I have a great volume of items received in my production which I then have to return with a service bill, it makes it look like I am creating a service out of thin air.

Hence, I wanted to pitch the idea of incorporating a jobber module which lets the company behave like a jobber. It will make tracking job work received and can be legitimately shown under the job receive account.

  • Aryan Gourisaria
  • Apr 19 2024
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
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