As we use export so we require to deliver stock at different shipping address, we required to add multiple shipping address option to be entered for a customer for Sales invoice
Hello Mr.Naresh, As conversed over call, kindly mention the customer site name differently for all the locations and create one site for each billing-shipping combination. This would ease your operation and system won't restrict in creating customer sites(as per issue mentioned by you for creating customer sites with same site name).
For further issue please connect/comment here. -Product Team (SA)
Had called on 9136796608 but no revert received. We are marking the idea as closed as no revert received from your end.
Hello Mr.Naresh,
As conversed over call, kindly mention the customer site name differently for all the locations and create one site for each billing-shipping combination. This would ease your operation and system won't restrict in creating customer sites(as per issue mentioned by you for creating customer sites with same site name).
For further issue please connect/comment here.
-Product Team (SA)