
POS promotion priority enhancement

Dear Team,

Need enhancement in POS promotion priority change option as currently all Closed , expired promotions are showing in this option which makes display data to be very lengthy and to change the priority we have to drag the promotion to the top multiple times which is time consuming.

Issue:- We have to drag the promotion to the top and then need to scroll up the page again and again till priority will be set to the highest.

  • Kannan B
  • Jan 11 2024
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    16 Jan 12:18pm

    Hello Kannan,

    Following our discussion on the call, your requirement has already been addressed in the system. At this point, we are designating this idea as "Unlikely to Implement." If you have additional concerns, kindly respond; otherwise, we suggest deleting this idea.

    -Raj Choudhary | BA

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    16 Jan 10:25am

    Hello Kannan, we attempted to contact you twice at 9650573546, but you were engaged in another call.

    Based on our interpretation of the issue at hand, it seems that difficulties arise when attempting to change the priority of promotion through drag and drop functionality.

    This may be happening because the top most row(desired drop point) is not present in the UI after picking up the row.

    A potential solution is to utilize mid-way scrolling—pick a row, simultaneously scroll with the mouse to the top of the list, and then drop it.

    If mouse is not in the picture, then also system supports auto scrolling.

    Please check this on your end.

    Let us know if you have any other concerns regarding this idea.

    -Raj Choudhary | BA

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