
In Default Chart of Accounts More Common Ledgers can be Added

Hi Dear Team Member,

In every implementation we are manually creating in our default Chart of Accounts IGST, CGST, SGST and Cess Input Ledgers and Output Ledgers besides their Input GST and Output GST Accounts Groups in CoA. These must be available in the default Ledgers in any new instance of our Web Application. Similarly, We are creating Gift Vouchers Discount and Control Accounts, Debit Note Control Account, Credit Note Control Account, Goods sent on Consignment Account, Cash Handover to HO Account's ledgers manually. If all the above ledgers are included in the default ledgers, then a lot of time and hardship of an implementer who typically creates these ledgers manually in a new Instance of Ginesys HO Web ERP will be saved. Also, customers are asking when we are charging them manhours as to why these ledgers are not included in the default ledgers of the COA in the ERP?


Best Regards,

Mohammed Aktar,

Senior Implementation Consultant,

Mobile no. 81797 71200

  • Mohammed Aktar
  • Dec 21 2023
  • Likely to implement
  • Attach files
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