

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-3713 Creation of Sale Service Invoice from MS-OO-CM Owner Site.

S&D| Cost Centre Wise- Sale Service Invoice Merged

Sales & Distribution --> Sales Service Invoice--> Cost Centre Site applicable

Reference Ticket:

Use Case: Provide Rental Service to customer, i.e. allocated desk space to third party customer at POS Location. The client wants to view Rent-Receivable ledger cost centre wise report (alike Purchase Service Invoice).

Problem Statement: Option to Tag sites as cost centre in sales service invoice alike purchase service invoice is not available, so taking HO as owner site and Mentioning the POS Site as cost/profit centre is not available. Further below mentioned workarounds is also not feasible

  1. Workaround -1 :Add UDf field in Sale service Invoice and tag Managed sites in it. (Reason not feasible: Multi site tagging would be issue plus while generating ledger wise report, data is captured from FINPOST table for the ledgers and udf field is not exposed there, thus joining udf fields i report would be a hectic task)

  2. Workaround-2 : Book Sale service from POS as POS Bill taking Icode as non inventory item. ((Reason not feasible: Cumulative figures of bills are sent to SALCS and then finally to FINPOST table. So user would not be able to check rent ledger balance-cost centre wise, bcoz all sales would also be included in salcs)/

Further, Booking Sale service invoice for the POS Site from HO is not available.i.e. Owner site as Managed sites is not allowed. Moreover, there are no reference site tagging option in the line level.

Thus idea is raised and needs review.

  • Product Team
  • Nov 14 2023
  • Likely to implement
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