

Cashiers post petty cash expenses at the POS level, and these entries are visible in the petty cash bill view under pos management, there should be an option to approve or disapprove these expenses, and access to this option should be subject to specific roles.

  • Venu Chintham
  • Oct 12 2023
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    October 18, 2023 09:58

    Problem Statement:-

    • They want an option in HO to approve and reject any petty cash bill from POS management.


    • To address this issue, They can create a specific role for petty cash management in the HO system. This role should only be assigned to store managers or senior managers who are responsible for raising petty cash for their respective stores. By doing this, they can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the petty cash management feature.

    • If any senior manager or manager shares their ID and password with others, it is indeed unethical, and they can't completely prevent such practices. However, they can educate these managers on the importance of keeping their credentials secure and not sharing them without proper authorization.

    So, in summary:

    1. Create a specific role for petty cash management in the HO system.

    2. Assign this role only to store managers or senior managers responsible for petty cash at their respective stores.

    3. Educate managers on the importance of not sharing their login credentials and the potential consequences of doing so to maintain security and ethical practices.


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