While using excel form for bulk purchase order cancellation no option available for selecting POS sites for cancelling purchase order created at POS site
Scenario: Client following local purchase and raising purchase order at POS level, for cancelling purchase order in bulk required POS sites also.
Find the attached current excel template and screenshot of excel import mapping window
Reference Ticket ID: https://care.ginesys.in/a/tickets/263498
Had conversation on 05-07-2023 (+91) 9310181456, Bulk PO cancellation for POS Sites is possible from Cancel PO form. Hence we are marking the idea as Unlikely to implement because further excel import is not required for bulk cancellation as same could be achieved via cancel PO form.
-Product Team
Yes we have the form but we don't have selection for POS site for cancellation of purchase order created incase of local purchase concept
Procurement-->Order-->Cancel PO
There is a form for PO cancellation from where we can cancel multi PO at a time using multiple search criteria.
-Product Team