

Merged idea

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Excel import utility for Document Adjustment Merged

Hi Team,

We raised tickets on adjustment of multiple vouchers against single entry, but as per new version same is only available for AR & AP only.

We required this feasibility of adjustment of documents for entries other than AR & AP transactions. Kindly help us to get this utility formed for adjustment of entries through single excel sheet or any other mode instead of settling and selecting individually.

We also request you to kindly provide difference of amount while in document adjustment, i.e. difference between adjustment and pending column amounts to make necessary settlement.


Finance Team.


  • Finance Team
  • Apr 24 2023
  • Coming Next
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    June 27, 2023 10:26

    Your revert is awaited, please confirm the understanding.

    -Product Team

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    May 05, 2023 13:08

    Multi Select in Financial forms, for in-form document adjustment, is released on version 12.14.1 - 2.14.1. Below mentioned financial forms are now compatible to the multi-select feature:

    • AR Voucher, AP Voucher, AR/AP Journal, Debit Journal, Credit Journal

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