
Site wise Stock data - as per PRICE FACTOR

Site-wise stock data shows Stock valuation according to the Company's Standard rate and not according to the Price factor allocated to that particular site. This shows incorrect stock valuation as the dicided margin factor for all sites is different.

  • Jan 24 2023
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  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    11 Jun 06:46

    Hi Sir,

    Can you explain more about your idea and how it would work as a business? We need all the details to analyze it properly. Your thoughts are really important for us to figure out what we need and how to move forward.

    We tried to call you at 73835 99399 but didn't get through. Please get back to us within 7 days. If we don't hear from you, we might have to label the idea as "Unlikely to Implement" according to our internal SOP.



  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    16 Feb 10:56

    Please mention the idea in detail so that we could understand the requirement claerly. Please revert us within 7 business days, else we need to mark the idea as Unlikely to Implement.If you have any issue please connect at or comment here
    -Product team(SA)

Note : Do not post a lengthy title for an Idea. Post your Idea clearly supported by Screenshots, Examples and Case Studies (if possible).