
New Accounting year handling

Below are the 3 major issues which were reported in support - 01-Apr-22:

  1. The New Accounting year didn't get created from the form. The issue was related to Sequence and primary Key violation, for some time in the morning it created issues with lots of escalation.

  2. Since the new accounting year or month or some related parameter is created NONE of the old transaction were opened or edit was not allowed. Even the screens got frozen in all the transactions.

  3. Sync which was coming from stores got failed.

This somehow was not reported last year as the majority of customers were using the Desktop form.

So either automatic a/c year creation or some Alter system is required so that the user creates the new account year at least 7 days before.

  • Harsh Nahata
  • Apr 1 2022
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    23 May 09:49am

    Hello Mr. HN,
    Could you please clarify whether the issue still persists? If not, could you provide details about the specific points or incidents mentioned above? Additionally, please outline any remaining requirements.

    Please revert us within 7 business days else we need to mark the idea as UTI.

Note : Do not post a lengthy title for an Idea. Post your Idea clearly supported by Screenshots, Examples and Case Studies (if possible).