
Document attachment is increasing DB size exponentially.

The DB size backup is increasing rapidly after the adoption of document attachment in Webforms of various forms like GRC, PI, Sale Invoice etc.

The current image size is 40-100 KB and daily approx 2000 document are uploaded through various transactions like Sales Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Sales Return, LR, Service Invoice etc.

The size has grown up from 20 Gb to 160 GB within the last six months and backup time has increased from 30 min to 2-3 hr.

It is suggested to make a separate path/folder at OS level to same the attachments like it is done for Item Images or this is sorted in some 3rd party DMS (document management system or storage providers). So that this is not part of DB and causing operational issue.

  • Harsh Nahata
  • Mar 22 2022
  • Attach files
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