

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-3670 POS Display with MRP & RSP(companies discounted Price) While Billing.

MRP and Items Stock should display on POS billing screen during scanning of product Merged

We are running grocery store and we are facing following challenges in day today operations:

  • MRP of grocery Products are changing frequently.

  • Same item is available with multiple MRP.

  • Stock must be shown during POS billing, It will help us to place the order to suppliers

  • Billing Manager is unable to find out the correct MRP in case of multiple MRP product are available at store, if there is no POP up option enable for that product. Also Popup option is time consuming for the selection every time. In rush hours it is difficult to manage customers with large orders.

  • If MRP option can be seen on the POS main screen, it will help to correct the system MRP as well if missed by backend team.

  • Guest
  • Sep 12 2021
  • Likely to implement
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