
Global Debit Note option Required

  • Ashutosh Lala
  • May 27 2021
  • Likely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Ashutosh Lala commented
    27 May, 2021 11:52am


    We have 3 Stores in Ahmedabad. We sell on credit to some known customers at POS . The System generates Debit Note in such a case. Now, sometimes , it happens that customer buys some things on credit from Location 1, the system generates Debit Note in his name. Now after say 5 days, he goes to another Location 2 for shopping and we again issue him a Debit Note , ie sell on credit to him.

    Now after say a week , the customer comes to Location 1 again and wants to settle and do payment for his credit sales at both the locations.

    Currently the system does not support any such mode of accepting payment for another stores debit note.

    There should be system like credit note , where global option can be enabled.

    We cannot ask the customer to go to each location to settle payment.

    Kindly look into this and do the needful ASAP

    We had also created a Ticket no 124037 for the issue

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