

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-2507 Track Barcode Input Mode in POS - Manual/Auto vs Scan.

POS Checkout Input Method Merged

During POS checkout; most of the items in grocery store are input through item search and not scanning. This manual method is encouraging indiscipline at POS Sites.

Hence, if we could generate a report of number of checkout through automatic scan and no of checkout through item search; we could have fixed both cashier behavior and item issue, if any.

with regards

Ashok Karn

  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2020
  • Likely to implement
  • Guest commented
    October 07, 2020 06:32


    1) In bill detail report; we need a column if the particular item in bill has been input through scanner or searched manually using our POS item search option and added to bill.

    That is a column specifying - 'AutoScan' or 'ManualSearch' corresponding to all the items in any specific bill.

    2) we would use this report to interpret our issue.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    August 17, 2020 11:35

    Could you please elaborate on the requirement, so that we can analyze and revert back.

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