Mandatory options required description 1 to 6 profile base.
If you need any further mandatory fields, you can add UDF fields and make them mandatory. As your request goes, Description fields are system fields; thus can't provide custom logic into those.
We appreciate your effort. Keep posting your idea.
Please allow this option some details not give UDF field.
understand the actual problem UDF is diffrence way to use
Please use web reports, there you shall find the UDF information in all reports.
Dear Sir,
UDF information not reflect in stock book report.
Many more information put in description 1 to 6. Because Category 1 to 6 already fixed.
Design Number, Brand, Fabric, Size, Color, Ageing, etc.
Description all information use for inventory reporting , Currently that filed not mandatory data operator some time miss put information . At time of reporting miss match coming in report.
This option major helpful for reporting part.
Could you please describe the business scenario for which you need the said feature.