
Need Party wise discount option in ginesys

Dear Sir,

I need vendor wise Discount Option In ginesys 

For example : If vendor yearly  bill value bill Rs.10,00000\-. Then System Automatic  5% discount calculate in vendor Ledger 

Kindly provide Your Best support 


Shree Dholi Sati Retail Mall


Rabindra Singh


  • Guest
  • Sep 6 2019
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Sep 16, 2019

    Admin response

    We do have term concept which you can review and change periodically. Once the term is set, all new invoices shall be generated with new discount/term itself.

    Automation of such concept is not feasible as per our architecture. However, we are keeping this idea open for votes. In case we gather enough votes to this, we shall review the requirement again.

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