
GRT Advice required from HO

Presently Store site can return any item to HO. But for few Stores, HO might want to restrict return of any item, instead it should be guided by some advice document created by HO.

  • Sushil Agarwal
  • Nov 23 2015
  • Released
Released Version [For Internal use] 11.111.0 - 1.111.0
  • Aug 12, 2016

    Admin response

    Thanks for the idea, your suggested feature has been released. Head Office can now regulate and monitor what the stores (franchisees) send to HO or other stores. Transfer Orders can now be sent to store and Goods Return will be done at store as per the advice sent from HO. 

    Note: Store may still be allowed to create adhoc goods returns, but the same is subjected to policy settings. 

    Keep sharing your ideas.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    29 Apr, 2016 09:16am

    This is taken in development with following assumptions. 

    1.  Return Advice can be send for any  Store to Warehouse or Store to Store

    2. Return Advice will be generated from HO, but can be cancelled at Store only.

    3. Adhoc / or against Advice would depend upon  Source-Destination mapping or as per user Profile. 

    4. Yes multiple packet can be created against single advice line item. 

    5. Yes single Return can be done against multiple advice. 

    6.  Yes advice pending report can be seen both at HO and respective stores. 

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    1 Dec, 2015 07:10am

    1. Advice will be required for return to warehouse, store or both?
    2. How to cancel GRT advice?
    3. GRT adhoc option is required? Do you need an option where at some site GRT advice will be required and some site where advice will not be required?
    4. Do you need an option to create multiple packets against single advice?
    5. Do you need an option to create single GRT against multiple advices?
    6. GRT Advice pendancy report will be required or not?

    We are looking forward for your feedback regarding above mentioned questions. Please help us design this feature.

Note : Do not post a lengthy title for an Idea. Post your Idea clearly supported by Screenshots, Examples and Case Studies (if possible).