
Send otp to pos customer to alternat number while tagging

In pos bill module.

While tagging customer otp is mandatry.

Some time customer wife or relative come for shopping.

And they are not able to get otp.

Pls provide option to send otp to alternate number also.

That is registered in customer master previously


  • Guest
  • Mar 15 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Mar 29, 2019

    Admin response

    The use of OTP is to identify the customer and getting approval for redemption. If we allow sending OTP to any other number, the system won't be able to authenticate if the customer itself has approved the transaction or not.

    Given the reason for the standard OTP process, we won't be able to accommodate this in our product.

    We are marking this idea as "Will not implement"!

    Thanks for sharing your idea.

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