
Item's standard rate should be increased to 3 decimal places

Presently, Item's standard rate is allowed with only 2 decimal places. But it is allowed to procure any item with rate as 3 decimal places, so it is obvious that the standard rate should be allowed with 3 decimals.

Consider an example, we procure stones/barcode labels with rate as 0.015/pc. We procure it piece wise, so if we provide 0.02 or 0.1 in any case, the amount is not matching with the invoice raised by the vendor. Please incorporate the same asap.

  • Sushil Agarwal
  • Nov 23 2015
  • Already exists
  • Jun 2, 2016

    Admin response

    It is suggested to use 'Price Chart' for population of such items in PO/GRC as we have 3 decimal place option in price chart.

    Thanks for sharing your idea!

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  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    30 Nov, 2015 01:11pm

    In our current architecture, all the rate and amount column supports only 2 decimal places. And accordingly, report logic is configured. We are unlikely to modify the entire architecture and calculation logic. However, we will keep this idea open to gather additional feedback regarding the workaround possible. 

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