With new gst format in place, say I have an agent name - JM jain in Delhi. So when I buy from any supplier from Delhi say JK Jain hosiery they will bill it to JM Jain and ship it to Manmohini Textile Private Limited. Then later on JM Jain will raise a invoice on Manmohini Textile. So in books of account I have to show that the goods were purchased from JM Jain. But the actual supplier is JK Jain Hosiery. so for my better understanding of my inventory and stuff I need to tag JK Jain Hosiery during GRC at the same time tagging JM Jain also. This is presently not possible during GRC. We would like to have a buying. house concept. where in we can Tag JM Jain as the buying house from whom the goods were purchased as per books of accounts. and then under that buying house I will choose the vendor as JK Jain Hosiery. That way I will be able to tag both of them and better manage my inventory and streamline the GRC procedure.
Please implement this on High Priority
Also this is needed from Margin Rule perspective where we should be able to set the margin rule at Brand Level and not just the Purchase House Level. Sometimes there is also a case where one company with one one GST has multiple brands with different purchase terms etc.
this is much needed still and if we can add a vendor but billing everything is done in the name of the agent
Dear team ,
Provide a solution to this on high priority basis ..This is much needed ..Facing lot of problems as item shipping by vendor but agent generating tax invoice
Consider return scenarios also
We need ship to address capture from grc level and will auto populate if we generare debit note grt
Same is the issue with us .
Pls introduce some solution