
Loyalty Card No. Change

We are maintaining G/0001 for Gold Customers and P/0001 for Platinum Customers, both have different benefits.
Now if a customer upgrades from Gold to Platinum, I want to change the Card No from G series to P series.

  • Guest
  • Jan 8 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Jan 18, 2019

    Admin response

    Thanks for sharing the idea!

    We would suggest you integrate with third-party loyalty solutions which have this type of functionality. Given the current vision & roadmap, we won't be able to accommodate this request.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    18 Jan, 2019 09:58am

    We want the circled info in Pic 1 to also come as a column in Pic 2 and as a field in Pic 3, Pic 4 and Pic 5.
    Then the Cashier in the System can check what is the Current Benefit associated with the Customer while in the POS Billing Screen because the Card No, is static, the Benefit which is Variable is what matters and we can go on changing the benefit as when desired.


    Then while implementing we can say let the no. series for Loyalty Card be one, we can give reports and show the current benefit associated in the POS Screen through this. Otherwise now if we change the the benefit in same series no. its confusing the client.

    The other problem now if we have one series with 2 type of benefit running then we can't decipher which card we are allocating scenario: pic 2.


    For clarification please call Sutirtha 9874814515

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