
Make a link between Stock Point Transfer(Inventry) and Job Order(Production) in Production

Dear Team,

If we implement above subject in ginesys, Our Inventory tracking part in production will be very quicker and easier to find the goods which shows as per job order the stocks are fully sent to the factory or not

Now as per BOM Records we are compiling the required stock and sending goods to factory, the problem is we are not getting report of what is the qty has been sent and pending suppose to be sent against job order. so to track this now its taking so much time and also getting work delay and  pressure on which is the remaining qty suppose to be sent after making trough manual

So to Avoid the above issue and to maintain proper dispatch report on production we want above subject process so our work will be become very quicker and will be perfect on tracking system in reports



Siddaraju SK

  • Guest
  • Dec 20 2018
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    2 Mar, 2021 01:11pm

    It is suggested to provided Job Order No. in the remarks fields for Stock Transfer entry, in order to refer in future.

    As per our current architecture, we will not be able to provide this functionality. However, we are keeping this Idea open for further votes, so that can take another call in future.

Note : Do not post a lengthy title for an Idea. Post your Idea clearly supported by Screenshots, Examples and Case Studies (if possible).