
'Return Mode' option in POS Taskpad

Need to add a new Taskpad option at pos to invoke 'Return Mode' option. This will help user to easily toggle between different POS modes. Whether POS will behave like return option or not.

  • Sushil Agarwal
  • Nov 23 2015
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    26 Nov, 2015 07:51am

    In POS, return/exchange scenario is limited compare to sale. Considering this POS Taskpad was designed to smooth Selling process. Typically, MBO stores maintains separate return counter to handle large amount of sale returns, in this scenario toggling between 'Return Mode' is not feasible. For EBO, due to less amount of return/exchange, this can be easily managed though current Task option present in POS Bill.

    For all of the reasons above, which we hope you can understand, we are not going to plan to implement this at this time. 

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