
'Bale Details' Option not available in Incomming Logistics from Site to Warehouse

Dear Sir / Ma'am

'Bale Details' Option is not available in Incoming Logistics from Site to Warehouse - As we know we can make more than one Transfer Slip In at Warehouse against a particular GRN (POS Transfer Out) if there is more than one packet in a single GRN which is very comfortable for us and its easy too. But the same is not possible if we maintain Incoming Logistics for Transfer In i.e in Sales & Distribution, for that "Bale Details" option must be enable so that we can maintain packet wise Bale Details and able to Creates more than one Gate entry against a particular LR. Kindly think on this and implement the same in Ginesys.

Thanks & Regards

Surendra Sahu


  • Guest
  • Oct 25 2018
  • Likely to implement
  • Attach files
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