At the time of updating description fields with multiple values in single process we dont have any option to export in excel the selected items. so if you can provide an option to export the selected items in an excel as we can upload the modified excel file easily through data import option available under admin module.
Actually in Ginesys web (ginesys web -inventory - product definition - item - actions - Export to excel ) there is a option to export get the all the item details, but we need export option for selective items (barcodes) to get their details. you can provide this option either in item page or in manage form (already import barcode option there in manage form)(ginesys web -inventory - product definition - item - actions - manage) So if you can provide an option to export the selected items in an excel,it will be helpful to item modification,as we can upload the modified excel file easily through data import option available under admin module.
Please use web reports to get the item master in excel based format from where you can export the data as required.