Many a time we realize salesperson incentive is not possible to be calculative with assortment and definition.
Now salesperson incentive should be excel importable from ginesysweb for managed sites
We already have Item selection option in assortment and you can specify particular items through existing Excel Import option in select item window. In case you don't want assortments, you need to create assortments based on the incentive factor. For example: 2% incentive - 3% incentive & so on. In 2% incentive assortment you need to tag those items in which you want to give 2% incentive.
We appreciate your idea, however with the work around specified we're marking your idea as already exists. Keep posting.
We already have Item selection option in assortment and you can specify particular items through existing Excel Import option in select item window. In case you don't want assortments, you need to create assortments based on the incentive factor. For example: 2% incentive - 3% incentive & so on. In 2% incentive assortment you need to tag those items in which you want to give 2% incentive.
We appreciate your idea, however with the work around specified we're marking your idea as already exists. Keep posting.