

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-4058 GSTIN number of Vendor.

Request for (TIN. No. View) on Ginesys Screen - When Making (PO - GRC - PI) Merged

Dear Team,

(Ginesys) at HO, 2-vendors name are same at Muradabad in UP. but TIN No. differ, as like as some vendors are register with us same name but TIN No. differ & A/c No. differ.


We required  GSTIN no. show at the time of making PO and GRC.


Find attached file.

  • Guest
  • Jan 25 2018
  • Likely to implement
  • Guest commented
    February 03, 2018 09:15

    Goods and services Tax detail required in Purchase order and Goods Receive Challan as well as Puchase Invoice Form.

  • Guest commented
    February 03, 2018 09:09

    GTSIN Will verifying in 3 or 4 work stations, When same name vendor bill has booked in other same name vendor that time create a lot off issue...

    So kindly implement this....

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    February 02, 2018 13:36

    How will the showing of GSTIN help you in identifying the supplier? We feel there are other better options available like by viewing address you can identify.

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