
Fulfilled By Seller - Sales Return Need Some Valuable Implementation

This idea is related to Web->S&D->Fulfilled By Seller....

Fulfilled by seller module is very easy and helpful for online B2C sales we have the option to import the sales from excel but in the same module sales return is very difficult, it is totally manual process we have to done the sales return one by one manually. we have to have sales return process against bill as it is in POS module on store level.

Requirments :

1 - If we are selecting a bill to make return we must have to have the option to populate the sold item list of respective bill, user can select the item from the list after selecting the item system should retrieve the calculation from sales, it will be very helpful for those user how are selling online as B2C.

2 - we are getting the orders in bulk it is very convenient for us to import the sales from excel , we must have the option to get sales return against bill also from excel.

above mention both the point can make the process very smooth.



  • Imran Qureshi
  • Aug 5 2017
  • Released
Released Version [For Internal use] 12.8.0
  • Attach files
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