
Need option to edit requirement quantity in job order where component supply type is "Pull on order"

Need option to edit requirement quantity in job order where component supply type is "Pull on order" as exists in V10.

For reference, screen shot of material requirement summary form of V10 is given as an attachment.


Requirement Scenario

1. Component supply type is "Pull on order".

2. Standard material are defined in BOM.

3. But in case of bulk production, material consumption always is less quantity as compared with BOM quantity.

4. In V10, they are bale to edit requirement quantity from "Material Requirement Summary" form with job order.


Requirement has logged by Dipankar Nandy of GSL on behalf of Agwani Fashions (SUCCESS).

  • Guest
  • Jun 4 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
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