
License Checking During Stock Taking at POS Site - Super High Priority


Till date when stock audit plan used to get allocated to particular POS Site then unlimited user could log on for physical stock taking at that particular site. And moment the stock taking got over and the plan got completed then the POS user restriction used to kick in.

But now under new V11 100 series architecture the even during stock taking there is restriction on number of users that can login at that site for stock taking. This is a major setback. Stocking taking at POS Site is usually done on days when that particular site is closed. There is a deadline of general one single day to complete the whole task. 

As a result a lot of users are needed to complete the process in the given time frame. This is only required during stocking taking period and not during the rest of the year.

So Ginesys should develop the license manager check in such a way that moment stock taking plan is activated at a particular POS site then for dat period billing will stop and unlimited user can take stock at that particular POS Site. Rest other POS sites will remain unaffected.

Look into the matter on a urgent basis and do the needful.

  • Guest
  • May 2 2017
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    22 May, 2017 09:49am

    With the current database architecture of SQL Server it is not possible to implement the requested check. You are requested to get in touch with your account manager or license team to help you out with the available policies.

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