

Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIN-I-4954 Request to Implement Date Filter Functionality for Salesman Incentive - Assortment Definition Screen.

SalesMan Incentive Based on Ageing of a Product Merged

Dear Team,

As you are aware that moving of the non moving item is more important in retail, First Option we choose to incentivise the item based on its ageing slab 90-120, 121-180,181-365, >365 based on item created date and then we come down for discounts,


Please look into this ASAP,

And Suggest us the more options to move the items by giving perks to the sales persons


Thanks & Regards

Ch Ajay Kumar

  • Ajay Kumar Challa
  • Feb 28 2017
  • Likely to implement
  • Ajay Kumar Challa commented
    August 22, 2017 14:43

    Suppose I created an Assortemnt month ago, for this month calculation I need to re edit the assortment by giving current date it should be based on number of days back like if I created and assortment now by mentioning >90 days from item creation date or last in date after a month also that assortment will work doing the incentive calculation , in your said process it wont work

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    August 22, 2017 13:59

    In GINESYS, User have this option to create, different assortment based on item creation date and allocate the assortments in different incentive scheme.

    This way you can easily calculate Sales man incentives for items as per their ages.

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