
Planning - Need an Option by which RSP of items cann be grouped for Assortment Creation

There is a need of a option by which user can define the RSP range for which the Assortment to be created after searching the item Master. This grouping will be different for different product hierarchy e.g. Shirts RSP Range for its assortment will be 0-500, 501-1000, 1000-2000, 2000> and LED TVs RSP Range will be 0-10000, 10001 - 15000, 15000-30000, 30000-50000, 50000 - 100000, 100000>.

Currently RSP range can be defined for Assortment generation by the Article definition.

  • Nabendu Roy Chowdhury
  • Dec 14 2016
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
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