Procurement - Goods Receive Challan
Need an alert to refresh item's price when suppler with different price list or price type is updated in the GRC.
The same can also be done based on a user profile, based on the profile setting need an option to make 'Refresh item's price' option to be mandatory.
Released Version [For Internal use] | 11.138.8 |
Modification of Vendor name is allowed in Procurement - Receipts.
On change of vendor name, system displays an confirmation message, with option for 'OK' to proceed or 'Cancel' to discard the changes. Message displayed is -
"Modification of Vendor name will reset GRC Type, Stock point, Trade Group, Term, Agent, Logistics applicability and Rate of all items, as per setting of new vendor selected. Please confirm."
On proceeding with OK button , system will perform below action:
Repopulate Vendor Statistics
This option for modification is made generically open to users having permission to edit the document. Profile based restriction is not applied to maintain the simplicity of working behavior.